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Color Mix Sheet US Letter


This Color Mixing Test Page serves as a handy tool to explore and document your own color creations. You can save your favorite blends for future artwork and delve into your creativity in an organized manner.


Color Mixing Test Page

Instructions: Use this page to blend different colored pencils and document your unique color combinations. Each mixing field has three boxes where you can note the colors used. Utilize the numbering to label the corresponding pencil. This will aid you in reproducing successful blends and achieving desired effects.


  1. Select two or more colored pencils you wish to mix.
  2. Apply each color to a box in a mixing field.
  3. Jot down the numbers of the used colored pencils next to the boxes.
  4. Blend the colors on the paper and observe the resulting hue.
  5. Repeat the process in different mixing fields to experiment with various color combinations.


Documentation: Utilize the blank numbering sections next to the boxes to record the pencil numbers. When achieving a blend you like, note the numbers to replicate the effect later.



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